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/// \file algorithm/distancepath.h
/// \copyright 2022 Sascha Nitsch
/// Licenced under MIT license
/// \brief declaration of the DistancePath class
// system includes
#include <list>
// own includes
#include "algorithm.h"
// forward declaration
class Image;
namespace Algorithm {
/// \brief calculate value based on distance to start point
/// for a long description, see
class DistancePath : public Algorithm {
/// \brief constructor
/// \param argc number of arguments
/// \param argv arguments
DistancePath(int argc, const char* argv[]);
/// \brief destructor
/// \brief process images
/// \param input input image
/// \param output output image
/// \return 0 if ok, != 0 on error
int8_t process(Image* input, Image* output);
/// \brief do actual calculation on pixel
/// \param inRAW pointer to raw image input
/// \param outRow pointer to current row in output
/// \param x x coordinate
/// \param y y coordinate
/// \param lastValue last value from source pixel
/// \param width image width
/// \param next list to put new pixel to
/// \param outPixels pointer to output pixel array
/// \param iteration current iteration number
inline void processPixel(uint8_t* inRAW, float* outRow, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, float lastValue, uint16_t width, std::list<uint32_t>* next, uint16_t* outPixels, uint16_t iteration);
/// \brief do actual calculation on pixel row
/// \param inRAW pointer to raw image input
/// \param outRAW pointer to output
/// \param x x coordinate
/// \param y y coordinate
/// \param lastValue last value from source pixel
/// \param width image width
/// \param next list to put new pixel to
/// \param outPixels pointer to output pixel array
/// \param iteration current iteration number
inline void processRow(uint8_t* inRAW, float* outRAW, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, float lastValue, uint16_t width, std::list<uint32_t>* next, uint16_t* outPixels, uint16_t iteration);
/// weight for pathable neighbour
float m_weightPath;
/// weight for blocked neighbour
float m_weightBlock;
/// top cap
float m_maxDistance;
/// threshhold to mark pixel as traversable in output
uint8_t m_threshhold;
/// queue of pixels to process
std::list<uint32_t> m_queue1;
} // namespace Algorithm