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* \file cimditssd1306.h
* \brief Declaration of the CimditSSD1306 class
* \author GrumpyDeveloper (Sascha Nitsch)
* \copyright 2022 Sascha Nitsch
* Licensed under MIT license
#ifndef CIMDITSSD1306_H_
#define CIMDITSSD1306_H_
// system includes
#include <Wire.h>
/// memory adressing mode
/// column address start and end
#define SSD1306_SET_COLUMN_ADDRESS 0x21
/// page start and end address
#define SSD1306_SET_PAGE_ADDRESS 0x22
/// deactivate scrolling
/// set display start line to 0
#define SSD1306_SET_DISPLAY_START_LINE_0 0x40
/// set contrast
/// charge pump setting
/// set segment re-map to column 127
#define SSD1306_SET_SEGMENT_RE_MAP_127 0xA1
/// entire display on
#define SSD1306_ENTIRE_DISPLAY_ON 0xA4
/// set normal display
/// set multiplex ratio
/// set display off
#define SSD1306_SET_DISPLAY_OFF 0xAE
/// set display on
#define SSD1306_SET_DISPLAY_ON 0xAF
/// set COM output scan direction to remapped
/// set display offser
/// set display clock divide ratio
// set pre-charge period
// set com pins hardware configuration
// set VCOM deselect level
* \brief Simple drawing class for SSD1306 OLED displays
class CimditSSD1306 : public Print {
* \brief constructor
* \param w width of display in pixel
* \param h height of display in pixel
* \param i2cAddr i2c address
CimditSSD1306(uint8_t w, uint8_t h, uint8_t i2cAddr);
* \brief destructor
* \brief initialize library, needs to be called before any other graphic functions
* \return true on success
bool begin();
* \brief send internal buffer to display
void display(void);
* \brief send part of internal buffer to display
* \param part which part of screen (each part is 8 pixel high, starting from top at 0
void displayPartial(uint8_t part);
* \brief clear display content in internal buffer, call display or displayPartial to take effect
void clearDisplay(void);
* \brief set a pixel to on or off
* \param x x coordinate of pixel
* \param y y coordinate of pixel
* \param state true for on, false for off
void drawPixel(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, bool state);
* \brief draw a horizontal line
* \param x start x position
* \param y start y position
* \param w width in pixel
* \param state true for on, false for off
void drawFastHLine(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t w, bool state);
* \brief Draw a vertical line with a width and state.
* Functionality based on adafruit GFX library
* \param x x coordinate
* \param y top y coordinate
* \param h height of the line in pixels
* \param state true for pixel on, false for off
* \note Changes buffer contents only, no immediate effect on display.
Follow up with a call to display() or displayPartial()
void drawFastVLine(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t h, bool state);
* \brief draw a filled rectangle
* \param x x start position
* \param y y start position
* \param w width in pixel
* \param h height in pixel
* \param state
void fillRect(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t w, uint8_t h, bool state);
* \brief set text scaling factor
* \param sx X-scaling factor
* \param sy Y-scaling factor
void setTextSize(uint8_t sx, uint8_t sy);
using Print::write;
* \brief print a single character to screen
* \param c character to print
* \return 1
size_t write(uint8_t c);
* \brief set text cursor position
* \param x X coordinate
* \param y Y coordinate
void setCursor(uint8_t x, uint8_t y);
* \brief set text state
* \param state state to output
void setTextState(bool state);
* \brief draw a single character c at x,y with scaling sX, sY
* \param x left coordinate of character
* \param y lower coordinate of character
* \param c character to print
* \param sX horizontal scaling factor
* \param sY veritcal scaling factor
void drawChar(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, unsigned char c, uint8_t size_x, uint8_t size_y);
* \brief start command transmission
void commandStart();
* \brief send command list from program memory
* \param c start pointer
* \param n number of items to output
void commandListProgMem(const uint8_t *c, uint8_t n);
* \brief finish command sending
void commandEnd();
/// display width
uint8_t m_width;
/// display height
uint8_t m_height;
/// text cursor position X
uint8_t m_cursorX;
/// text cursor position Y
uint8_t m_cursorY;
/// text drawing state
bool m_state;
/// horizontal text scaling factor
uint8_t m_textsizeX;
/// vertical text scaling factor
uint8_t m_textsizeY;
/// internal buffer for screen pixel data
uint8_t *m_buffer;
/// i2c address of display
uint8_t m_i2cAddr;
#endif // CIMDITSSD1306_H_